1100 Lake Street, Suite 120, Oak Park, IL 60301
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DuPage County | 630-852-9700 Mokena | 815-727-6144
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Westchester, Illinois Divorce Lawyers
Attorneys for Family Law, Child Support, Custody, and Spousal Maintenance Issues in Cook County, IL
Entering a courtroom to address legal issues or resolve disputes can be an intimidating experience, especially in family law cases. The outcome of these cases can have a huge impact on your relationship with your children or other family members, as well as your ability to support yourself financially. Due to the high stakes of these situations, it is essential to secure representation from a knowledgeable and experienced attorney.
At Wakenight & Associates, P.C., our family law and divorce lawyers are ready to stand by your side and help you manage the avalanche of legal, practical, and financial concerns you are facing. With more than 95 years of combined experience, we understand what you are going through, and we will advocate for your family's best interests and work with you to reach a settlement that protects your rights and meets your ongoing needs.
Divorce and Family Law in Westchester
The village of Westchester is located in Chicago's western suburbs, and because it borders DuPage County, residents may be uncertain about the court jurisdiction for family law cases. However, the village is within the Fourth Municipal District of Cook County, and in most cases, divorcing spouses or those who need to resolve family law matters will attend court at the Maywood Courthouse.
The attorneys of Wakenight & Associates, P.C. have argued many cases in the courtrooms of Cook County, and we can provide representation in a wide variety of situations, including cases involving:
- Division of marital property - During divorce, marital assets and debts should be divided between spouses in just proportions based on factors identified in Illinois law. We can assist in creating a fair and equitable marital property settlement, including in cases involving complex assets such as real estate, retirement and investment accounts, or family-owned businesses. If necessary, we can work with forensic accountants to uncover any hidden assets or determine whether dissipation of assets has occurred, and we will help you understand the tax issues involved when dividing property.
- Spousal maintenance - We can help you determine whether alimony should be awarded in your divorce case, and we can ensure all relevant factors are considered when determining the amount and duration of spousal support.
- Child issues - Decisions about the allocation of parental responsibility (child custody) and parenting time (visitation) should be based on what is in children's best interests. We can help you create a parenting plan that provides for your children's needs while protecting your parental rights, and we can also ensure that obligations for child support and other expenses are calculated correctly.
- Paternity/parentage - Legal parentage may need to be established when a child is born to a mother who is unmarried. We can help complete the legal process of establishing paternity, including in cases in which a father's rights need to be protected.
- Adoption - We assist adoptive parents in completing the legal process of adopting a child through an adoption agency, from another country, through DCFS, or as a step-parent.
Contact Our Westchester Family Law Attorneys
When addressing legal issues in family court, it is crucial to have a strong legal advocate on your side, especially in high conflict or high net worth divorce cases. At Wakenight & Associates, P.C., we will fight to protect your parental rights and your financial interests, and we will work to ensure that you are prepared for success in the future. Contact our office today by calling 708-480-9651 to arrange your free initial consultation.