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Park Ridge, IL Divorce Attorneys
Law Firm Representing Clients in Family Law Cases in Cook County
The end of your marriage is likely to be a tumultuous time, and when filing for divorce, there are a wide variety of legal issues that you will need to resolve. When combined with concerns about your financial future and adjustments to living situations for you, your ex-spouse, and your children, you may feel overwhelmed and uncertain of how to proceed. To help you manage the avalanche of legal, emotional, and practical matters you are facing, you need a dedicated, knowledgeable attorney on your side.
At Wakenight & Associates, P.C., our lawyers have been working in the field of family law for more than 95 combined years, and we will strongly advocate for your rights and interests throughout the divorce process. Whether your divorce is amicable or contentious, we will provide you with the representation you need to achieve a positive outcome that meets your family's needs.
Family Law and Divorce Cases in Park Ridge
The city of Park Ridge is 14 miles northwest of downtown Chicago, and it is located in the Second Municipal District of Cook County. Family law cases in Park Ridge and surrounding suburbs such as Niles, Glenview, and Morton Grove will typically be heard in the Skokie Courthouse.
Homes in Park Ridge often have high property values, and due to the significant financial assets and income levels that many families enjoy, divorcing spouses may need to address complex financial issues as they dissolve their marriage. In addition to dividing high-value marital property such as real estate, investment funds, and business interests, a variety of income sources may need to be taken into account when calculating spousal maintenance or child support obligations. It may also be necessary to work with a forensic accountant throughout the divorce process to discover any hidden assets.
The attorneys of Wakenight & Associates, P.C. are highly experienced in resolving the complex legal issues that couples with a high net worth may face, and we can also assist with:
- Child-related issues - We will advocate for your children's best interests when determining the allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time. We are prepared to protect fathers' rights and ensure that stay-at-home parents have the financial resources they need. We can also help you argue for or against parental relocation, address concerns about parental alienation, or obtain an order of protection in an emergency.
- Other divorce concerns - We can help address the unique legal issues involved when same-sex spouses or couples over the age of 50 choose to get divorced. We also assist with post-divorce modifications for spouses whose circumstances have changed significantly following the finalization of their divorce.
- Parentage - When a child is born to unmarried parents, or when the identity of a child's father is in question, we can help establish paternity, which will protect parental rights and ensure that the child will receive child support.
- Adoption - We assist in a wide variety of adoption cases, including step-parent adoptions, international adoptions, adoptions completed through agencies, private adoption agreements, or adoptions of foster children through the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
Contact a Park Ridge Family Law Attorney
You deserve quality legal representation when ending your marriage or working to resolve family law issues. At Wakenight & Associates, P.C., we will stand by your side throughout the legal process, ensuring that you are prepared to overcome any obstacles that arise and helping you reach a resolution that protects your financial security and family relationships. Contact us today at 708-480-9651 for a free consultation.