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La Grange, IL Family Law Attorneys
Divorce Lawyers Assisting With Child Custody and Alimony in Cook County
Resolving legal disputes in family court can be a daunting prospect. Whether you are planning to get a divorce or need to address other family law issues, you will likely be unsure of the extent of your legal requirements, and you may be worried that any mistakes or omissions could affect your family relationships and finances. No matter your situation, a skilled attorney can help you manage the avalanche of legal, personal, and emotional concerns you are facing.
The experienced lawyers of Wakenight & Associates, P.C. have been representing clients in legal cases for a combined total of over 95 years. We are dedicated to protecting your rights, and we will advocate strongly for your best interests throughout the legal process, helping you understand the steps you should take to achieve the best possible outcome.
Divorce and Family Law Issues in La Grange
La Grange is a suburb located about 13 miles west of Chicago. Residents of La Grange and other nearby suburbs, such as Hodgkins, Lyons, Western Springs, Hinsdale, Countryside, and Burr Ridge, will typically have their divorce and family law cases heard at the Bridgeview Courthouse, which serves the Fifth Municipal District of the Circuit Court of Cook County.
There are several notable historical buildings located in the village of La Grange, including a number of homes designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Because of this, complex legal issues related to the ownership of real estate may arise during a divorce case. Our attorneys can help you meet your requirements for transferring ownership of property, and we will ensure that you understand the tax consequences of these transfers.
Other legal concerns that families may face in La Grange include:
- High net worth divorce - Couples who own high-value assets or earn large incomes may need to resolve complex financial issues related to spousal maintenance or the division of assets such as business interests or investments and retirement accounts. The assistance of a forensic accountant may also be necessary to uncover any hidden assets or dissipation of assets.
- High conflict divorce - A hostile relationship between divorcing spouses can complicate legal proceedings significantly. Our attorneys can help you understand the role that issues such as adultery, harassment, or parental alienation may play in your divorce. We can also assist in receiving an order of protection if you are experiencing an emergency related to domestic abuse or the threat of violence.
- Child-related issues - Divorcing parents must determine how to divide parental responsibilities and parenting time. Unmarried parents may also need to resolve child custody disputes, or they may need to establish paternity for a child. Parents will also be obligated to provide child support for children.
- Post-divorce modification - Either party may request a modification of their divorce decree or judgment if they have experienced significant changes, such as the loss of a job or a disability. A parent must also receive permission from the court in order to modify their parenting plan in cases involving parental relocation.
- Adoption - Adoptive parents must meet a variety of legal requirements in order to adopt a child, including the termination of one or both of the birth parents' parental rights.
Contact a La Grange Divorce Attorney
At Wakenight & Associates, P.C., we can provide you with the legal help you need during your divorce or when addressing matters related to child custody, child support, paternity, or adoption. To arrange a free consultation, contact us at 708-480-9651.