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Bridgeview, IL Divorce Lawyers
Attorneys Assisting With Family Law Cases in Cook County
When you get married, you expect to be with your spouse for the rest of your life. However, things do not always turn out as planned, and when the possibility of divorce enters the picture, your life may be thrown into chaos. As you determine how to handle changes to your living situation, address concerns about your children, and manage any financial difficulties that come with your divorce, you may feel like you are being buried in an avalanche of stress and anxiety. In these cases, you need a dedicated attorney on your side who can help you determine the best way to approach the legal process of ending your marriage.
At Wakenight & Associates, P.C., our lawyers have more than 95 combined years of experience in the field of family law. We can provide the legal help you need when getting a divorce in Bridgeview or the surrounding areas, and we will fight to protect your rights and help you achieve the best possible outcome for your case.
Divorce and Family Law Issues in Bridgeview
For residents of Bridgeview and nearby cities such as Burr Ridge, Countryside, Hinsdale, Lyons, or Western Springs, divorce cases will be heard at the Bridgeview Courthouse, which serves the Fifth Municipal District of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Divorcing spouses may need to appear in court to resolve legal issues related to:
- Child custody - Divorced parents may share in making decisions about issues such as medical care and education when raising their children, or either parent may be given sole responsibility for certain decisions. Schedules for parenting time (visitation) must be created and followed. Child support obligations, including parents' requirements to pay for expenses such as college tuition, must also be determined.
- High net worth divorce - In complex divorce cases involving large assets or incomes, the division of marital property can be a divisive matter, especially when couples own assets such as real estate properties, family businesses, or retirement funds. Spousal maintenance may be a factor in these cases, and spouses should also be aware of the potential for hidden assets or asset dissipation.
- High conflict divorce - During a contentious or hostile divorce, spouses should understand how the law addresses issues such as infidelity, parental alienation, or harassment and electronic monitoring. In emergency situations involving domestic violence or the threat of domestic abuse, obtaining an order of protection against one's former partner is often the best option.
- Same-sex divorce - While LGBTQ couples enjoy the same rights as heterosexual spouses, they may face unique legal issues related to the ownership of property or custody of children when dissolving a marriage or civil union.
- Grey divorce - Spouses over the age of 50 may have concerns about financial stability following divorce, including how the division of property or spousal support obligations will affect their retirement.
A wide variety of other family law issues may need to be addressed in the courtrooms of the Bridgeview Courthouse, including petitioning for post-divorce modifications, receiving permission for parental relocation, establishing paternity, and completing an adoption.
Contact Our Bridgeview Family Law Attorneys
The Lawyers of Wakenight & Associates, P.C. are prepared to represent your interests and help you manage the avalanche of legal concerns that you must face during your divorce or family law matter. We will fight to protect your rights, and we will work to ensure that you will have the financial resources for success following the conclusion of your case. To arrange a free consultation, contact our office today by calling 708-480-9651.